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ClosePastor Rick Picariello - April 24, 2022
But why did He leave? // Burlington
In this life, there can be somewhat of a letdown after a holiday or a significant event in our life. Once that time is over, we often wonder, "now what?" We can imagine that this question would have gone through the disciples' minds after the death and resurrection of Jesus. After Jesus had died a cruel death, after the veil was torn in the temple and after He rose again on that glorious day, now what? How were they to move forward? Just like we move on with our lives on Monday after a worshipful Sunday, they went on to do the things that they knew. They went back to their fishing and their daily living. But we learn from God's Word that He didn't leave them there alone. Join us in our new Sermon Series, "I follow Jesus..." to learn more about what it actually meant for Jesus to ascend from this earth and leave us with the gift of the Holy Spirit and how that impacts everything in our daily living.
From Series: "I Follow Jesus..."
Scripture References: John 16:5-16, Acts 1:4-14
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