Welcome to

Mount Hope Church Burlington MA

We are a community of passionate Jesus followers who desire to grow in our love and knowledge of Jesus Christ and to lead others to do the same. Join us!!

Faith Over Fear: The Life of Moses

Check out the latest Mount Hope message.

Making Mount Hope home.


This course is for newcomers and anyone else in the church who wants to learn more about the history and heartbeat of Mount Hope and how to get involved. This four-session course will help launch you toward getting connected, growing in your faith, and leading others.

Community GROUPS

At Mount Hope, we love sharing meals and lives with one another. Meeting in homes around the area, our groups offer a space to forge deep friendships, encounter God’s presence, and experience intentional discipleship together.


Joyful giving of our tithes and offerings is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude and faith in God, who radically loves and cares for us. We believe in living below our means, so that we can give beyond our  limits.

Staying Connected

Who is Jesus?

The person of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. But who is Jesus? Click the link below to learn more about Him.