40 Days of Prayer. To be like Jesus, prayer like Jesus.

Prayer is important, because it makes us more like Jesus and because it reveals to us the heart and mind of God. C.S Lewis stated, “I pray because I can’t help myself … I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God. It changes me.”  Prayer is a gift given to us and expected of us as believers. The Bible often says “when you pray”, not “if you pray”.

Over these forty days, we pray with anticipation that we will know God’s heart more, that we will be overcome by His presence, that peace will be restored, that God’s wisdom will be revealed and that circumstances and/or people will be changed…to God be the glory.  There is power and authority in the name of Jesus, and it is in His name that we pray.

Weekly Prayer Focus

Wednesday Prayer Nights

Wednesdays @ 6:30pm // Burlington Campus

Daily Scripture Guide

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Week One // Jan 13-19 // The Holiness of God

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. (Matthew 6:9)

As we pray, it is important to see God as both personally caring and involved in our lives and world, and also as holy and outside of our space and time.

As you approach the Lord in prayer this week, consider how the truth of God as Father and as being in Heaven and Holy matters.

Week One Scripture Guide

Monday // Matthew 6:9

Tuesday // Luke 11: 11-13

Wednesday // Ephesians 4:4-7

Thursday // Acts 7:48-50

Friday // Psalm 9:7-10

Saturday // Revelation 4:6-11

Sunday // Reflection

Who is Jesus?

The person of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. But who is Jesus? Click the link below to learn more about Him.