Church is not just a building we go to; it’s a community of people redeemed by Jesus. Jesus calls us all to follow Him, to love God and people (Matthew 22:37-39). We want to point people to God by doing good (completing the work Jesus left us to do, just as He did the work God gave Him (John 17:4). Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would empower us to be His witnesses locally, regionally, among those culturally different who live near us, and to the far reaches of the earth (Acts 1:8).
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Faith Promise
Let us know how the Lord is moving you to give.
Join us as we pray with and for our G.O. partners. All are welcome to join the call.
Global Outreach Questions
They (as with individual prospective partners) would email [email protected] or talk to our GO (Global Outreach) Team members, who would initiate a series of conversations and would review the application at quarterly meetings.
We rely primarily on member care services (e.g., counseling, team leadership, area/regional leadership) provided by AG World Missions or the mission agencies that send out our partners. We also rally prayer adopters and representatives of our Global Outreach Team to pray for each of our partners and their families. We’re working to develop a larger team of people who will maintain direct contact with our partners, to encourage them and provide a connection with an “extended family” in the US.
Most missionaries are expected to raise their own financial support from churches, family and friends. Hudson Taylor was a pioneering missionary in the 1850s. He went out to the mission field trusting that God would provide for his needs and move His people to help and support the mission. Many missionary sending agencies followed his example and are part of what is known as the faith missions movement.
In one sense, this approach promotes a value that mission work is a step of faith and a calling[, rather than mainly a job or way to earn a living]. For many prospective missionaries, raising their own support serves as a test of their persistence and commitment to go to the field. With this approach, more churches expand their vision and horizons by hearing about the work of more missionaries and developing a connection with more missionaries and different mission fields. Missionaries from smaller churches are able to get prayer and financial support from a wider network.
We ask for reports from the field and ask them to visit and connect when they are in the area to let us know of their progress. AG World & US Missions as well as other mission agencies also have accountability and reporting structures in place.
A lot of the mission fields our partners do pioneering, groundbreaking work in hard places. It could take many years before there are visible fruit from plowing or preparing the soil and sowing the seeds of the gospel. So we look for faithfulness and progress, in avenues and platforms that enable our partners to connect with locals and build relationships. Such that those locals get closer to Jesus and then commit to follow Jesus.
Our involvement enables our partners to get to the field faster and stay in the field to do essential work to reach those who don’t have access to the gospel (ie. they don’t know any Christians who speak their language or come from their cultural background). With your generous faith promise giving, Mount Hope has been able to increase our monthly support of about a dozen partners. I trust that God has opened doors and led our partners to those He wants to draw to Himself because Mount Hopers commit to pray regularly for them, on our own, in community groups, and in prayer meetings.
Contact a Mount Hope pastor or email our Global Outreach team. We’ll help you explore your part in God’s extraordinary global purposes and your next steps with Assemblies of God World Missions or US Missions, or other mission sending agencies.
You can commit to praying regularly for them, that God will open doors and lead them to people of peace who will follow Jesus and share the good news with others from their family, friends and co-workers within their ethnic group or circle of influence. Volunteer to help local mission partners and go on trips to help and encourage missionaries beyond greater Boston. Volunteer to coordinate mission trips. Contact the GO Team, so we can help match your interests, passions and giftings with the specific opportunities.
Jesus’ Great Commission calls all of us to reach and disciple all ethnic groups as we journey in life. Jesus’ last words rallied his disciples to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. The call in Acts 1:8 was not a phased approach, to start in our backyard, then go to those in our ethnic group in our region, the different ethnic groups who live near us, and only then the ends of the earth. It gives us the total scope of our unfinished task to be his witnesses everywhere.
Each of us can’t be everywhere at once, but we as different members of Jesus’ body are given the privilege and responsibility to speak of and demonstrate Jesus’ love to those around us, both as individuals and as the local church. So, we are each called to meet the needs in our backyard, with our individual and corporate time, talents, possessions, and money. We can get involved in ongoing ministry in prisons, nursing homes, food pantries, or the work of our local partners in caring for homeless or sex-traficked women, college students, international students, refugees or others in our backyard. Check out our Local Outreach page for more information.
And we are called to send those who will bear good news to those we do not have contact with, who would not otherwise know of Jesus, here in our backyard and to the ends of the earth, keeping in mind Romans 10:14-15.