Our Team

Kathy Duncan

Kathy Duncan

Kathy Duncan

Burlington Kids Ministry Director

Kathy gave her heart to Jesus when she was 20 years old and declares that it has been a wonderfully wild adventure ever since. She served alongside her husband, Avin, in full-time ministry for 15 years and has been a part of Mount Hope since 1998. In those years she has taught Sunday School, Women’s Bible Study, STARS class with girls grades 3 to 5, VBS, middle school youth and Kids Church. She and her husband started Junior Bible Quiz in 2012, and it is still going strong.

Kathy loves to teach the Bible.  “Teaching kids the truth of who God is and how much He loves them is a privilege and a joy.  In these ever-changing times, it is most important that we teach our kids the truth. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life.  His love is immeasurable, and our kids need to know that!”

Who is Jesus?

The person of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. But who is Jesus? Click the link below to learn more about Him.