Sunday, July 18, 2021 - 9:00am
Campus: Burlington Campus
Speaker: Pastor Brian Krogh
Scripture: Luke 7:1-17
# In Sermon Series: 2
There are times when we see someone's faith and it truly amazes us.  Maybe that person stepped out of their comfort zone to follow the Lord's leading, moved to a far away place for a call to missions or started a ministry.  Often, we stand in awe at these moments of faith and obedience in someone's life.  But what kind of faith is God Himself amazed at? When does He marvel at His children's faith?  
As we continue in the book of Luke with a new sermon series, Good Dirt, we take a look at a man whose faith amazed Jesus.  The Word of God comes to people through many different avenues and yet, people respond differently.  This week's message shows us how this man responded and what we can learn from him to grow in our faith in Christ.
Good Dirt // Amazing Faith