Sunday, November 22, 2020 - 10:45pm
Campus: Burlington Campus
Speaker: Pastor Rick Picariello
Scripture: Ephesians 5:15-21
# In Sermon Series: 4

Have you ever gone online to a website or an app to do something useful - Reserve a table, research information, or check something for work? But one link comes another and 30 minutes or an hour passes and you could not remember why you picked up your phone in the first place? Whenever this happens to us, it is a reminder that technology can either be used as a tool to experience long-term joy or it is something that uses us and replaces long-term joy with short-term pleasure. Jesus says that to follow Him, we must be willing to invest our lives in following him. If we say we want to follow Jesus and then spend our time doing things that do not draw us closer to Him, aren't we putting short-term pleasures in front of Him? How then should we change to spend our time wisely and efficiently? 

Invest Your Time // Burlington