
11/22/2020 - 10:45pm | Campus: Burlington Campus

Have you ever gone online to a website or an app to do something useful - Reserve a table, research information, or check something for work? But one link comes another and 30 minutes or an hour passes and you could not remember why you picked up your phone in the first place? Whenever this happens to us, it is a reminder that technology can either be used as a tool to experience long-term joy or it is something that uses us and replaces long-term joy with short-term pleasure. Jesus says that to follow Him, we must be willing to invest our lives in following him. If we say we want to follow Jesus and then spend our time doing things that do not draw us closer to Him, aren't we putting short-term pleasures in front of Him? How then should we change to spend our time wisely and efficiently? 

11/22/2020 - 9:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus, Burlington Campus

Have you ever gone online to a website or an app to do something useful - Reserve a table, research information, or check something for work? But one link comes another and 30 minutes or an hour passes and you could not remember why you picked up your phone in the first place? Whenever this happens to us, it is a reminder that technology can either be used as a tool to experience long-term joy or it is something that uses us and replaces long-term joy with short-term pleasure. Jesus says that to follow Him, we must be willing to invest our lives in following him. If we say we want to follow Jesus and then spend our time doing things that do not draw us closer to Him, aren't we putting short-term pleasures in front of Him? How then should we change to spend our time wisely and efficiently? 

11/15/2020 - 10:45am | Campus: Belmont Campus

While technology does a wonderful job of connecting us to those around us, it unfortunately allows us to stay disconnected from each other as well. In other words, technology helps us connect with those who have similar interests and worldviews as our own. This ability enables us to filter out ideas and views that differ from our own and as an extension, the people that have those ideas and views. As Christ followers, how does this line up with the way God calls us to live? Does this function of technology align or contradict the values of Scripture?

11/15/2020 - 9:00am | Campus: Burlington Campus

While technology does a wonderful job of connecting us to those around us, it unfortunately allows us to stay disconnected from each other as well. In other words, technology helps us connect with those who have similar interests and worldviews as our own. This ability enables us to filter out ideas and views that differ from our own and as an extension, the people that have those ideas and views. As Christ followers, how does this line up with the way God calls us to live? Does this function of technology align or contradict the values of Scripture?

11/08/2020 - 10:45am | Campus: Belmont Campus, Burlington Campus

All of us are designed to be in relationship with each other. This is what makes us human. However, as digital technology and communication advances there is less and less need and opportunity to interact with people in person. We have the ability to hide those parts we don’t want seen by other people like never before. Therefore more people know less about us and we aren't really known to anyone. In such a world how do you and I maintain the relationships that are mandated by Scripture?

11/08/2020 - 9:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus, Burlington Campus

As people, we are designed by God to be in relationship with each other. This is what defines us human. However, as digital technology and communication advances there is less and less need and opportunity to interact with people in person. We have the ability to hide those parts we don’t want seen by other people like never before. Therefore more people know less about us and we aren't really known to anyone. In such a world how do you and I maintain the relationships that are mandated by Scripture?

11/01/2020 - 11:00am | Campus: Belmont Campus, Burlington Campus
It's no secret that our world runs on technology. In some way, shape or form we are all involved in the digital world.  Whether it be for work, school or to keep in touch with loved ones far away, we all depend on technology in our lives.  This year in particular, we may feel this more than ever before!
Technology certainly has its place.  But what about when it is out of place?  What about when it begins to control us instead of us controlling it?  Of course,  you won't find the word "iphone" or "technology" in the Bible but God's Word does have principals regarding what we let have control over our lives.  In the times we are living, we may be tempted to want to be in the know of the latest news which puts us interacting with technology even more.  But what if we put God's principles into place and put technology in its proper place?  How could our lives look different?