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CloseJames Girouard - September 29, 2024
Prayer, What is it Good For? // Burlington
In life, relationships certainly matter. And the amount of investment we put in makes a difference in closeness and trust within those relationships. It is really no different when it comes to our relationship with Christ. The more we put into our relationship with Christ, the closer we are to Him and the more we trust Him. As believers, we know that in order to stay close to the Lord, we need to pray. But what does prayer have to do with the armor of God? How does it help us stand up to the enemy's schemes? Paul speaks to the church at Ephesus and shows us how foundational our prayer life is in order to activate God's armor that we are told to put on each day. You don't want to miss this week's sermon on the power of prayer against our enemy!
From Series: "Withstanding: Winning the Battle Against the Enemy's Schemes"
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September 1, 2024
Real People Following a Real God in a Real World (Part 9) // Belmont
Andrew Berberian