Sunday, January 12, 2020 - 11:00am
Campus: Burlington Campus
Speaker: Pastor Rick Picariello
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-9
# In Sermon Series: 3

Certain tasks we undertake in life seem efficient and we often see immediate results. But those same tasks may not always be the most effective. While the task was accomplished, did it really make a difference? And sometimes, the opposite is also true. Some of the tasks that we undertake, may seem inefficient but are in reality, quite effective! On the Christian journey, people often see as an inefficient use of time! One may wonder if taking time to pray over a situation can really alter it. But we are called to prayer! So could it be that, prayer might actually fall into the latter category: Inefficient, but very effective? Prayer provides us with the clarity we need to live lives consistent with God's Word. So, how do we pray? We aren't left to figure out our prayer lives on our own, as God's Word teaches us about prayer and shows us how we can pray even when it might feel ineffective.

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Prayer // Burlington